hello@galaxyarts.org 949-229-1698

Galaxy Arts CENTER


Galaxy Arts Center is Southern California Orange County’s largest Chinese orchestra and performing group. Established in 2004, Galaxy Arts Center combines the traditional with the modern, and preserves the beauty of Chinese music through innovation and creativity. The orchestra is composed of young musicians from ages 5 and up, many of which are elementary students to high school students. Galaxy Arts Center introduces traditional Chinese music in various entertaining and creative ways, which has successfully attracted interest and awareness here in the United States and around the world. 
Our students participate in numerous performances, including concerts, community service, charity recitals, and annual TV filming with KSCI-TV 18 Program “LA Living” since 2005. Our organization consists of youth performers from 5 to 19, and adult performers from 30 and on. We offer lessons on all Chinese instruments such as erhu, dizi, suona, guzheng, yangqin, hulusi, drums/percussion and many more. We also provide Chinese dance, hip hop, and K-pop dance lessons.
Galaxy Arts center is directed by Mr. Yuning Pu, whose profession in the musical field has taught students of various age groups and ethnicities. Through his teachings and provisions of performance opportunities, Mr. Pu has successfully helped many students with college admissions, with acceptances into numerous prestigious universities, including Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Yale, USC, Caltech, Stanford, NYU and more.
Galaxy Arts Center will continue to provide the best resources and opportunities for our students, and we warmly welcome everyone with an interest Chinese music and culture.


美国银河艺术中心成立之宗旨在于籍由音乐及艺术来促进中西方文化之交流﹐更为提倡海外青少年对民族音乐的欣赏及学习兴趣﹐并多方面提供社区文化服务。美国银河艺术中心-银河少年艺术团是南加州的领先青少年民族国乐团。银河艺术中心从2005年连续受邀上 KSCI-TV 18 台“今日洛城”电视节目及华人工商大展演出﹐并踊跃参加各地慈善团体的义演﹐皆深受广大观众的喜爱。

美国银河艺术中心由知名国乐演奏家蒲玉宁老师亲自教授及担任艺术指导。目前学生和团员包括少儿, 青少年, 成人。蒲老师带领乐团参加许多大型的演出活动,帮助许多学生成功申请进入哈佛, 普林斯顿, 麻省理工学院, 耶鲁, 南加大, 加州理工学院, 斯坦福, UCLA等大学。首次在2011年与中国中央音乐学院合作, 成功把中国民族乐器海外考级引进到我们南加州洛杉矶地区。并于2013年开始举办”华乐杯”中国民族器乐,舞蹈,声乐国际大赛。

希望有兴趣学习中国乐器的青少年朋友与我们联系, 更欢迎各工商团体给与支持和鼓励。让生活在美国的孩子们, 有机会接触和学习中国传统音乐﹐将中华文化发扬光大。


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Monday - Sunday: 10AM - 7PM
Please call, text, or email us for first time appointment


949-229-1698 (Eng)
949-329-8859 (中文)




1382 Valencia Ave Ste H Tustin CA 92780